all postcodes in CB4 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB4 2AA 30 0 52.220006 0.128102
CB4 2AB 17 0 52.221563 0.126025
CB4 2AE 27 1 52.22001 0.128864
CB4 2AF 8 0 52.221773 0.12659
CB4 2AG 18 0 52.218809 0.129612
CB4 2AH 23 0 52.221786 0.128583
CB4 2AJ 23 0 52.222803 0.127065
CB4 2AL 20 0 52.222639 0.127657
CB4 2AN 24 0 52.223042 0.129228
CB4 2AP 12 0 52.221714 0.130087
CB4 2AQ 25 0 52.222097 0.128305
CB4 2AR 7 0 52.222341 0.131245
CB4 2AS 65 0 52.221112 0.132064
CB4 2AT 10 0 52.221969 0.131403
CB4 2AU 6 0 52.221389 0.130174
CB4 2AW 27 0 52.223197 0.12966
CB4 2AZ 30 0 52.220299 0.132245
CB4 2BD 23 3 52.218501 0.127738
CB4 2BE 10 0 52.218652 0.128872
CB4 2BG 24 0 52.220168 0.131053